By becoming a member of BIFA, you can link your company to the pursuit of excellence and quality in the transport and logistics sector and gain access to many beneficial services.

BIFA Members can be either Full or Associate members.


Full Membership

Those actively providing international freight services and/or customs brokerage services.


Associate Membership

Are not primarily engaged in international freight or customs brokerage but have an ancillary interest in the industry and wish to develop their interests through the Association.

Note: New applicants for Full Membership require Freight Liability Insurance in order to be accepted. A list of Insurance Brokers can be found here: BIFA Associate Member List of Insurance Brokers

  • Protection of BIFA’s Standard Trading Conditions (BIFA STC)
  • Access to advice, guidance and resources on technical matters
  • Opportunity to influence the direction of the association through participation in regional meetings and policy groups
  • BIFA website & publications: Member-only content, BIFAlink, Good Practice Guides
  • Membership of FIATA – the International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations
  • Discounts on BIFA Training courses for all member employees
  • Free copies of BIFAlink (BIFA’s monthly magazine), and other occasional publications
  • Access to our member-exclusive events and webinars
  • Access to FIATA documents, such as the Multimodal Bill of Lading (FBL), the FIATA Waybill (FWB) and the Forwarders Certificate of Receipt (FCR)

  • A cost-effective way of promoting your company to a database of over 2,200 transport and logistic companies
  • Access to free advice and information
  • Keeping in touch with the industry with free copies of the Association’s monthly magazine, BIFAlink, and other annual or occasional publications
  • Reduced rates for other BIFA publications, seminars and conferences
  • The opportunity to contribute articles and information in the Association’s
  • Inclusion in the Members’ Directory listing on BIFA’s website
  • Reduced rate access to BIFA’s wide range of training courses
  • Your company logo, description and contact details included in the twice-yearly BIFA Associate Member directory distributed to all trading members
  • Use of the widely-recognised BIFA Associate Member logo and an Associate Membership Certificate

Associate Membership

An annual subscription costs £720.00 (inclusive of VAT).

Full Trading Membership

FIATA Membership Certificate
Every Individual Member of FIATA receives an official membership certificate on payment of the BIFA annual subscription fee (payment of the BIFA annual subscription fee makes your
company an Individual Member of FIATA).

Use of FIATA Logo
Individual Members of FIATA are permitted to display the FIATA logo on their websites and vehicle livery, and to print the logo on their company stationary, and business cards (but not on any
transport documents). If you require a FIATA logo, please email

Entry in the FIATA Members Directory
Your company’s name and address will be published in the unique FIATA Members Directory on the FIATA website. This directory of freight forwarders and logistics providers is continuously updated and can be freely consulted by anyone.

Advertising in the FIATA Members Directory
Only Individual Members of FIATA have the opportunity to advertise their services (in addition to their regular entry) in the FIATA Members Directory.

FIATA REVIEW and Information
Individual Members of FIATA receive their own individual copies of the FIATA REVIEW, which is published five times a year, 3 digital and 2 printed, and contains reports from FIATA activities, congress programmes and other information direct from the Federation.

Special rates for FIATA Publications and Articles
Individual Members of FIATA can obtain FIATA publications, such as the FIATA Code of Abbreviations, the FIATA Glossary of Transport and Forwarding Terms, the FIATA Customs Clearance Manual, as well as FIATA articles at special, discounted rates.

For further information on FIATA visit its website at

To be accepted as a Trading Member of BIFA an applicant company must:

  1. Adopt and incorporate the latest edition of the BIFA Standard Trading Conditions
    (STC) into international freight contracts.
    (Companies cannot display the BIFA Logo or adopt and incorporate the BIFA STC,
    until they have been accepted as members)

  2. Hold an adequate Insurance policy in place commensurate with business activities
    and when required by BIFA, shall produce evidence of a valid policy from your
    (A) Freight Forwarder: For applicant companies this must be a fully comprehensive
    Insurance policy to meet the liabilities incorporated in the latest edition of the BIFA
    STC. The policy must Include Loss or Damage and Errors and Omissions.

    (B) Customs Broker (non-forwarding): For applicant companies this must be a
    fully comprehensive Insurance Policy to cover Errors & Omissions.
    (Details of your existing cover are given in the Insurance Declaration section of the
    Membership Application Form)

  3. Undertake to accurately complete, sign and retu
    he Annual Company
    Declaration that will be sent to you each year prior to your Annual Membership
    renewal invoice.

Membership will be offered following receipt of a fully accurate and completed Application Form,
signed Insurance Declaration and full payment of the Application and Subscription fees.

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