Need an intro paragraph outlining the benefit of apprentices to employers Need an intro paragraph outlining the benefit of apprentices to employers

Do you need some help or guidance of how to cut through all of the red-tape? Here you will find a range of assets that you can use for attending careers or local community days, clarity on funding benefits and some of our practical tips that will give you a better chance of hiring the best talent.

paragraph outlining the benefit of apprentices to employers

paragraph outlining the benefit of apprentices to employers

Community Engagement

We also have information that might be of interest in our community engagement page where you will find a helpful Career Day Kit and also information on Schools Engagement

Industry Insights From Employers

“DB Schenker is a strong advocate for the International Freight Forwarding apprenticeship and we see this as an ideal entry point into the logistics industry. We have enjoyed tremendous success with previous apprenticeship programmes, with students graduating to multiple diverse roles throughout our company.”

Ray Hennessy, Ceo, Db Schenker

“Apprentices bring a fresh perspective that isn’t bound by industry preconception, and that, applied with the right attitude, enables you to train and invest in an individual who fits to your business’s needs, culture and requirements.”

Adam Williams, Commercial Director, Maltacourt